We can’t do it without you

We can’t do it without you

Thank you for considering donating to Yeghounts Foundation!

Your gift

We partnered with Zeffy to receive 100% of your donation. To ensure that we receive a 100% of your gift, please specify "Other" under the "Support the 100% free platform" line and specify 0. The sum should reflect the full amount. This is the fastest and preferred method.


Follow the link to PayPal Giving Fund to donate to the Yeghounts Foundation. There are no fees. However PayPal requires for you to have a PayPal account. PayPal collects all donations made from the 16th of the previous month through the 15th of the current month and pays out on monthly basis. This is the least expensive process leaving more funds to children.

If you don't have a PayPal account, but would like to use PayPal system, you can make a donation using your credit or debit card. Please use our secure donation form by selecting this link . The cost of processing is 1.99% +49c per transaction. 

ACH (Automated Clearing House). An ACH is an electronic fund transfer made between banks. We partnered with SquareUp for ACH processing. The charge is 1% for transfers. To initiate the donation, please fill-out the contact form below with your contact information and the amount you are pledging. You will receive an invoice from Squareup.com with information on the next step. 


Our Venmo address is @YeghountsFoundation. Currently Venmo app is only available to US residents.

Set up an Endowment

With a minimum donation of $25,000, you can establish a permanent fund in your name or in honor of a loved one. The principal balance will remain, allowing a portion of the endowment's yearly income to support the designated program in perpetuity.  

Commit to a Recurring Donation

Spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year. By giving each month or on an annual, bi-annual or quarterly basis, you ensure that your contribution works for your budget.

In Memory and In Honor Gifts

Contributions to the Yeghounts Foundation are a thoughtful way to honor a loved one on a special occasion or paying tribute to someone who has passed. The Zeffy form has an option to honor and commemorate someone who has passed.

Matching Gifts

Check with your company to see if a matching gift program exists. This is a great way to multiply your contribution. Yeghounts Foundation’s Federal Taxpayer I.D. is #88-1160993.


We encourage you to support the Yeghounts Foundation by engaging your community through individual efforts. Examples include runs, golf tournaments and faith-based group events. Bequests, legacies, transfers and gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Contact us to learn more. Please mark [email protected] as not spam in order to receive future communications. 

You can share your resources with Yeghounts Foundation in a number of ways, from donation to volunteering for our Sharing Knowledge program.

Please remember:

When donating to a charitable organization, refrain from providing or verifying personal information via e-mail, text message or social media. Do not post, direct message, email, or provide over the phone any sensitive information to any organization or individual unless you have initiated the interaction via the contact information provided on the organization’s website. Be wary of individuals representing themselves as members of any charitable organization asking for donations via social networking sites or personal email addresses. Malicious individuals can mislead victims using copycat names that are similar to but not exactly the same as individuals and charitable organizations. If you are unsure as to whether or not a communication is legitimate, contact our organization directly.

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